~Pourri Founder and Chief Visionary Officer Suzy Batiz rises from poverty and trauma to join the ranks of Forbes’s richest self-made women. Following the failure of more than 10 entrepreneurial […]Read More
The Barndominium Company CEO Stacee Lynn Bell builds her vision in metal. If you scroll back far enough in Stacee Lynn Bell’s Instagram account, you’ll see exactly where she started—out […]Read More
Navigating the opportunities, challenges, and outcomes when a service company builds a product. Service companies traditionally have low gross profit margins as compared to tech companies, especially software. That is […]Read More
Food startups are growing in Texas as people are embracing entrepreneurship and following their passions more than ever, says CS Freeland, co-founder and executive director of the Austin Venture Association, […]Read More
Do you believe your business is too small to work with bigger ones? Sure, some of them are afraid you’ll go belly up tomorrow or get acquired. But especially in […]Read More
Virtually every survey of the public shows that people love the idea of entrepreneurship. But how many really understand it? I have spent the last 57 years studying business, especially […]Read More
Being an entrepreneur who is preparing to start a new business can be both exciting and anxiety-producing. There are many things you must consider when starting a new business, and […]Read More
If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail, even in the startup stage. Many startups have, mistakenly, been led to believe they should simply move fast and break things […]Read More
When it comes to starting a business, there are myriad components to consider: your product or service, team, and new logo. You might even have an office space with a […]Read More
How to Establish the Right Pricing Strategy for Your Startup A great product at the wrong price either leads to underperforming sales results or money left on the table. Pricing […]Read More