Episode 3: The Economic History of Pandemics w/ Dr. Marianne Ward-Peradoza

Episode 3: The Economic History of Pandemics w/ Dr. Marianne Ward-Peradoza

The word “unprecedented” has been invoked incessantly since the COVID-19 pandemic began. But this crisis does have precedent in history—precedents we can learn from. 

In this episode, we talked to Dr. Marianne Ward-Peradoza, an expert in economic history, about her view of the latest pandemic, including how it compares to crises like the Black Death of the 1300s and the 1918 influenza pandemic. She uncovers some surprising parallels between past and present, including effects on labor markets and wage growth. But she also discusses the unique conditions of the current pandemic that are affecting businesses across the globe.

Dr. Ward-Peradoza is dean and professor at the Bill Munday School of Business at St. Edward’s University.

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