Episode 5: The Digital-Marketing Savvy CEO w/ Dr. Debra Zahay-Blatz

Episode 5: The Digital-Marketing Savvy CEO w/ Dr. Debra Zahay-Blatz

Today, there are over 8,000 digital marketing technologies on the market. The complexity of the landscape—plus daunting terms like AI and automation—makes some CEOs reluctant to dip their toes into the field at all.

Good news: Dr. Debra Zahay-Blatz, Professor of Marketing at St. Edward’s University, is here to help. Pulling from both corporate and academic experience (she previously ran marketing programs at Dun & Bradstreet and MCI Telecommunications), she’s written Digital Marketing Management: A Handbook for the Current (or Future) CEO. It’s a clear-eyed overview of the key aspects of digital marketing: search, email, social media, and web/mobile design.

Dr. Zahay-Blatz joins Scholar & CEO to explain how executives can understand and get involved in digital marketing, no matter how large or small their current marketing function is. 

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