Episode 6: How Cognitive Science Can Lead to Organizational Success w/ Dr. Art Markman

Episode 6: How Cognitive Science Can Lead to Organizational Success w/ Dr. Art Markman

In his book Bring Your Brain to Work (Harvard Business Review Press), UT Austin professor Dr. Art Markman distills cognitive science and psychology into principles for success—in organizations and careers. As Markman likes to say, we all have a mind—but we don’t get an owner’s manual with it. 

In this episode, Joel and Dr. Markman’s discuss how concepts from psychology apply in a very real way to executive leaders. How do we change habits? How do we overcome organizational inertia? How do we become “expert-generalists” who know how to integrate knowledge from many domains into useful solutions?

Dr. Art Markman is the Annabel Irion Worsham Centennial Professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin. He is also executive director of the IC2 Institute, a think-and-do tank that focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship.

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