A Letter from the Owner

A Letter from the Owner

During times of economic uncertainty, the CEO’s burden of command becomes heavier than ever. As always, we are asked to make the tough decisions and meet the needs of employees, customers, and shareholders—only now we are doing it with fewer resources, in a climate of fear, and under a harsh spotlight. 

This special issue of Texas CEO Magazine came together fast as we asked experts and leaders to offer their insights on leading through crisis. I hope these perspectives give you strategies to use in your own life and business, as well as reassuring you that you are not alone. The CEO role can be isolating and lonely. It helps to be reminded that there are others out there facing pressures and obstacles similar to those you’re facing. In our Q2 issue I offer some of my own thoughts on keeping your organization steady through the storm.  

Every CEO will face problems during his or her tenure. I led NetQoS as CEO through thirty-one consecutive quarters of double-digit growth, but that winning streak was bookended by the recession after 9/11 and the great recession beginning in 2008. Things were incredibly tough in both recessions, testing my competence and leadership ability. But in both cases, we took the opportunity of a crisis to reexamine our mission, vision, and values as an organization and to refocus on the fundamentals of the business. All of us at Texas CEO Magazine hope that you and your organization stay safe and strong during what has so far been a difficult year, and that you find opportunities hidden in the midst of chaos. 

This is our second issue since our 2020 relaunch, and I’d like to thank all of our subscribers, contributors, sponsors, and advertisers, as well as everyone who’s attended one of our recent events or offered us feedback on the magazine. As we grow, we want to continue to be a resource to Texas CEOs and the wider business community, not only through this magazine but through events, newsletters, our podcast, and more. And, as always, we would love to hear from you about people and ideas you would like to see us cover in the future. Reach out anytime at [email protected]

—Joel Trammell 

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