Three Reasons I Moved My Business to Texas

 Three Reasons I Moved My Business to Texas

Barren deserts, dusty roads, and tumbleweeds have incorrectly defined the Texas landscape for far too long, thanks to Old Hollywood and Western films of yesteryear. Texans are familiar with a different kind of land—one featuring rich resources and a dynamic topography. Verdant hills and panoramic valleys underscore Texas’ undeniable charm, while glistening cities home to booming industries signify the state’s progression to globally recognized greatness—both culturally and economically.

Business owners new to Texas quickly recognize the various cultures and thriving, energetic business climate that make the state one of a kind. These factors played a significant role in relocating my marketing and public relations agency from Florida to Texas. Giving back to fellow Texans and supporting local businesses also sealed the deal in my return to the Lone Star State.

After graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, I moved to Washington, DC, where I worked on National Public Radio’s sponsorship marketing team. Then, I moved to Miami for a new marketing job and eventually launched my own business: The Postcard Agency. Florida presented me with several business opportunities, and I’m grateful for them to this day. Texas called me home, however, thanks to its warm embrace of diverse cultures, innovative businesses and heartfelt philanthropy.

Here’s why each of those factors swayed me to move my business to Texas.

Support of Multiculturalism

Texas is the second most diverse state in the United States (following California), according to a 2019 report by WalletHub. The study also ranked Texas as one of the top states for racial and ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity and industry diversity, making the Lone Star State a true melting pot from cultural and economic standpoints.

Encouraging multiculturalism opens the door for more workplace diversity across the state, which correlates with higher rates of financial success. According to a Gartner study, 75% of companies with diverse and inclusive decision-making teams will exceed their financial targets. The study also found that gender-diverse and inclusive teams outperform less inclusive counterparts by 50%.

When Texas cities embrace a variety of cultures, languages and economic opportunities, they provide enriching experiences to business owners, residents, and tourists alike. While operating my business in San Antonio, for example, I’ve gained access to more than just mouthwatering enchiladas and brisket; I hear powerful stories and learn impactful lessons about disparities in our communities to explore avenues for positive change.

As business owners and leaders, we depend on all of our communities for survival. Listening to the diverse communities in our cities opens our eyes to different perspectives, allowing us to tailor our offerings and provide the best customer experiences possible. Collaborating with clients across the nation while running my business in San Antonio has educated me about civil rights issues, challenges caused by COVID-19, and more.

With this knowledge, I’ve been able to strengthen my business and support my community with meaningful and impactful services.

Thriving Business Climate

From El Paso to Houston and Dallas to San Antonio, Texas’ economy is booming across a wide range of industries. In San Antonio alone, the financial services, education, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, and defense sectors are growing exponentially, giving local business owners more resources to work with and room to grow their client bases.

Technology sectors are experiencing much success in Texas as well, particularly in the enterprise software, cybersecurity, video game, and corporate research and development fields. Digital businesses like mine gravitate toward tech hotspots because they boast talented workforces, promote innovation, and spark powerful economic activity.

Texas’ cultural and economic diversity plays a significant role in nurturing business growth, and business owners nationwide are taking notice.

Let’s take a look at Forbes’ “Best Places for Business and Careers” list to learn more about the state’s thriving business environment. A number of Texas cities made the list in 2019, including Dallas (#2), Austin (#8), Fort Worth–Arlington (#20), Houston (#34), and San Antonio (#48). Forbes evaluates and ranks cities across the United States based on jobs, incomes and economic growth, business and living costs, and education levels. Additional factors include migration, culture and leisure opportunities, and workplace tolerance laws.

The report echoes my earlier point on the importance of multiculturalism: Texas’ cultural and economic diversity plays a significant role in nurturing business growth, and business owners nationwide are taking notice.

Opportunities To Give Back

Operating my business in Texas makes it easier to support Texans in a number of ways. First, it allows me to hire and collaborate with local talent. As a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin with degrees in journalism and public relations, for example, I’m able to partner with the Moody College of Communication and share internship opportunities with students. Thanks to this one initiative, our team has received more qualified internship inquiries than ever before in recent weeks. We’re thrilled to share our knowledge with students from Texas colleges and universities as they pursue careers in the marketing and public relations arenas.

Running my business in Texas also gives me the chance to volunteer with a variety of nonprofits and help them share their missions across marketing channels. Texas is a big state with an even bigger heart, so you’re likely to find a nonprofit supporting causes that matter to you. Since moving to San Antonio, I’ve volunteered and participated in events organized by nonprofits like the Human Rights Campaign, the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, and Artpace, to name a few.

In addition to meeting people who share similar interests with you at these events, volunteering helps you see the world from a different perspective. It forces you to leave the comfort of your home or office and experience your city in someone else’s shoes—a critical exercise for CEOs who want to encourage more inclusive and forward-thinking workplaces.

As you can see from my experience, Texas presents exciting opportunities to new and established business owners alike. The state is teeming with diverse cultures and languages, talented professionals and students, and nonprofits dedicated to uplifting underserved communities. Moving The Postcard Agency to Texas took my business to the next level, and I’m honored to join the ranks of fellow Texan CEOs as we ascend new heights together.

Jonathan Ochart

Jonathan Ochart is the founder and CEO of The Postcard Agency, an award-winning marketing and public relations consultancy headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. With his hands-on approach to managing website design, search engine optimization, content marketing, social media, email and public relations programs, Jonathan empowers brands to nurture loyal audiences, maximize budgets and boost profitability. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations and a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin.

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1 Comment

  • Jonathan you are such a smart and talented guy. Texas is better off with you and I want to wish you every possible success in your new home. I’m a lucky guy to have met you and I know you will thrive in Texas. Sending warm hugs from sunny Fort Lauderdale 😘

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