Reading List

 Reading List

A great CEO never passes up a chance to learn. Here are six books coming out soon.

Business Books

The 24-Hour Rule and Other Secrets for Smarter Organizations

Adrienne Bellehumeur

Matt Holt Books

March 2023

288 pages, $28

In consultant Adrienne Bellehumeur’s new book, out in March, she outlines the benefits that documentation has on an organization and makes the case for what she calls Dynamic Documentation— six steps that create the basis for seamless information management and increased performance as a result. Her 24-Hour Rule is key to this process; it emphasizes that you must “rewrite, reprocess, or rethink your notes within 24 hours of hearing the information” because how a team processes information in those 24 hours can affect the success or failure of a business.

Business Books

Be Your Own VC: 10 Bootstrapping Principles to Generate Cash and Keep Control

James M. Benham

Houndstooth Press

January 2023

195 pages, $26.99

Co-founder and CEO of JBKnowledge James Benham has bootstrapped his company for more than 20 years with the 10 business principles he shares in his book, Be Your Own VC. While Benham admits no two entrepreneurial paths are the same, the book is a straightforward guide to basic principles any entrepreneur can use to help guide his or her idea from concept to success. Benham uses his company story as the basis for illustrating the use and development of these principles that led his tech company to a multimillion-dollar exit.

Business Books

Culture Rules: The Leader’s Guide to Creating the Ultimate Competitive Advantage

Mark Miller

BenBella Books

March 2023

264 pages, $28

In the post-pandemic workplace, organizations have come to better understand the role culture plays in a successful business. After completing a global study with more than 5,000 participants from 10 countries, Mark Miller and his team have exposed the most predominant fissures and their fixes. Miller then uses that basis to provide three simple rules to build culture—aspire, amplify, adapt—and challenges leaders to implement these rules to transform potential into performance.

Business Books

CustomHer Experience: The Importance of Tailoring
Your Brand to the Female Consumer

Katie Mares

Greenleaf Book Group

February 2023

184 pages, $24.95

Women drive 70–80 percent of all consumer purchasing decisions. So why aren’t more businesses elevating their brand experience to connect more with women? In her new book, brand experience expert Katie Mares dives into how companies can better understand the female consumer, transform transactional service into an interactional experience, and bring the company team onboard.

In his upcoming book, Oxford Associate Professor Paulo Savaget outlines four workarounds that address problems or issues in scrappy and resourceful ways using unconventional tactics. Savaget’s research into workarounds has established him as a thought leader in creative problem solving, and the four dominant workarounds he reveals arise from the experience of small businesses and outliers—experience that can be used in both business
and life.

Business Books

Profit with Presence:
The 12 Pillars of Mindful Leadership

Dr. Eric J. Holsapple

Greenleaf Book Group Pres

March 2023

416 pages, $29.95

A developer and entrepreneur with LC Real Estate Group, based in Loveland, Colorado, Eric Holsapple has used mindfulness to transform his life and business. He combines decades of mindfulness and yoga practice with his business acumen to showcase the benefits of the former on the latter. In his upcoming book, Holsapple asks business leaders to combat divisiveness, violence, and mindlessness in the world through a mindful business approach that, he contends, will increase their companies’ productivity and competitive edge simultaneously.

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