Meditation, Current Events, Self-Improvement

 Meditation, Current Events, Self-Improvement

two cups of coffee isolated on white, top view

CEO's Secret Weapons: Tools of Success in the Business World

We asked CEOs featured in this issue of Texas CEO Magazine which tools they have in their toolbox that help them perform more successfully in their roles as CEOs. It could be a technology, a software program, an app, a habit such as meditation, Airpods on which they listen to motivational podcasts, you name it—or rather they do. Here are this issue’s Tools CEOs Swear By.

Pavement Therapy

I swear by pavement therapy—running or walking—with AirPods and the Audible app. My go-to audibles this year have been autobiographies, usually by other CEOs or entrepreneurs. The Hard Things About Hard Things (Ben Horowitz), Believe It (Jamie Kern Lima), Zero to IPO (Frederic Kerrest), and Leadership and Life Hacks (Alyssa Rapp) are just a few I’ve enjoyed recently.

—Dr. Jackleen Samuel
President, CEO and Founder Resilient Healthcare, Plano


By far, the most important tool for me is meditation. It helps with navigating the uncertainty, ups and downs, and starts and stops that a CEO encounters. 

—Sherif Sakr
CEO & Cofounder
CEO-S, Austin

Creating A Sense
of Ownership

One of the fundamentals of my leadership approach is drawn from the biblical parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) about what you do with what you have or what you’ve been given. I create a sense of ownership among all of my direct reports. I challenge them to produce greater things in their area of responsibility. When I’m asked for resources for a new service line, new direction, more staff, or expenses in general, it’s always a balance of risk and reward. I ask them, “What risks do you want to take and what rewards do you believe will come from taking that risk? Is it a risk you would take for your work? Your family?” I rarely tell them no but hold them accountable for the results they believe they will achieve. This approach has resulted in a lot of individual, professional, and company growth.

—Jim Kendrick
President and CEO
Community Hospital
Corporation, Plano

Staying Connected

As a personal habit, every morning I scan stories from mainstream media outlets, including BBC, CNN, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the L.A. Times. I look beyond industry publications to stay connected to the real world and connect the dots to see what’s going on in health care. Before I turn on my computer or check email, I take a few minutes, with my coffee and my iPhone, to do this.

—George B. Hernández Jr.
President and CEO
University Health, San Antonio

Cuppa Joe

Caffeine is a critical element of my daily routine. As a CEO, the responsibilities can be demanding, and I often find myself in back-to-back meetings and strategic planning sessions. Caffeine, in the form of a strong cup of coffee—specifically a venti, quad-shot latte with almond milk—helps me maintain the energy and focus necessary to navigate the fast-paced nature of the business world. It’s a tool that keeps me alert and sharp, especially during long and intense workdays.

—Fred Turner
CEO and Cofounder
Curative, Austin


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